Entreprenariat International au Feminin Award
The Eco Star of Asia Award
Oustanding Female Entrepreneur Award
Eco Entrepreneur Award

Entreprenariat International au Feminin Award
The Eco Star of Asia Award
Oustanding Female Entrepreneur Award
Eco Entrepreneur Award

GEM Olympic Leisure Center
Mixed-use, Sport Facility
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Credit: Archetype

GEM Olympic Leisure Center
Mixed-use, Sport Facility
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Credit: Archetype

GEM Olympic Leisure Center
Mixed-use, Sport Facility
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype
Join us at The Green Real Estate on May 29th in Bangkok
When saving the planet makes business sense.

As co-chair of the Multi-Chamber Sustainability Committee in Thailand, GBCE is the creator, lead designer and organizer of the Sustainability for Business Forum in Bangkok where over 200 participants gather yearly to get inspired and empowered to create business value with practical solutions driven by environmental, social and economic performance.
The event, today in its third edition is supported by the government and remains the only business event in Bangkok dedicated to integrating sustainability in business organizations, infrastructure and operations.
Through this event, we aim to raise awareness on the financial, staff attractivity and brand value of sustainability and showcase businesses which have leveraged from it in order to engage other businesses in delivering products and services to their customers while managing their impact on the planet and society.

Sustainability for Business Forum 2018

Sustainability for Business Forum 2018

Sustainability for Business Forum 2018

Sustainability for Business Forum 2018
Our inspiring corporate executives, business practitioners and service providers will bring up-to-date insights, bold ideas, innovations, business solutions and applications of the latest sustainable trends.
Our speakers and moderators will be connecting big ideas to engage your employees, improve your company’s reputation and increase the profitability of your business.
SBF20 for a Green Recovery
Every year, we aim to deliver content which is timely, responds to local and global challenges, showcases innovative solutions and is actionable here and now. This year will be no different and will address the challenges we are facing in these unprecedented times. We could not talk about sustainability without talking about the covid crisis. Firstly because the two are deeply intertwined as we realize that the health of our environment is a prerequisite to ours and that our economic systems depend on human welfare. And secondly because while the economic world has been put at a stop, our environmental and social distress have not been on lockdown, quite the contrary. It is now more crucial than ever to think of our businesses within our ecological limits and in respect of human life in an aim to foster their resiliency long term. The idea that businesses should have a meaningful purpose and positively contribute to society is being brought forward at all levels of governance and operations and across industries which begs the question: what should be businesses' role in the common public good.

Smart Sustainable and Resilient Cities
Sustainable Lifestyle
Fashion & Beauty
Food of The Future
TRACK 1: Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Cities
Synopsis: smart urban planning, resilient infrastructure, resource and transit management, community centered design, urban supply chains and innovative living solutions which will define the liveability, health, quality of life, security, economic prosperity,environmental well-being and resilience of ASEAN cities in a post pandemic world. We will discuss how to make cities more resilient to crises, what can be learned from the covid management for climate change adaptation; what will cities offer in a new normal work play living environment; take from forward thinking examples of shorter and relocalized supply cycles, socially inclusive communities, human centric and holistic planning, revised usage of infrastructure and rethink urban systems towards self sufficiency
TRACK 2: Sustainable Lifestyles - Fashion & Beauty
Synopsis: textile, beauty and supply chain sustainable innovations which are decarbonizing and reducing the environmental footprint of their value chain while improving the welfare and wealth of people and communities they employ and serve. We will look at how the sustainability agenda works in pair with the pandemic recovery plans and how cross collaborations in advanced sustainability can bring greater business resilience.
TRACK 3: Food of the Future
Synopsis: innovation to move forward healthy food, sustainable supply chain and viable agriculture which are securing safer products for consumers, better revenue and environment for farmers communities and growing income for companies. After Covid 19 experience the food industry is now challenged to strengthen hygiene and health standards and measures and to shorten supply chain and support and collaborate with local producers.
Synopsis: Speakers within the CEO panel are participating by invitation only and will consist of 3 to 4 CEOs from regional and global companies who have implemented sustainability transversely through their business organization, infrastructure, operations and supply chain.
Tentative Programme
13h30 Registration
14h00 Opening Ceremony by French and Dutch Ambassadors
14h30 Parallel Topic Sessions
15h45 Networking Break
16h15 Parallel Topic Sessions
17h30 Executive Panel – Sustainability as a Corporate Strategy
18h30 Networking Cocktail
Event Details
Date: Thursday, October 8th 2020
Time: 13.00 - 20.00
Location: Mariott Marquis Queen's Park Bangkok
Registration fees:
Pre-paids: 1,300 THB for Members/ 1,600 THB for Non-Members
Walk-ins : 1,600 THB for Members/ 1,900 THB for Non-Members
Download the Agenda here

5 Topics
Green Energy
Health& Wellbeing
Air Pollution and Waste
Education at the Workplace
Selling and Marketing Sustainability
250 participants
35 speakers


The Sustainability For Business Forum 2018 was divided in five different tracks including four social and environmental initiatives tracks and one industry focused track on the hospitality sector. It was conducted through panel discussions on specific thematics and duo presentations with a company and its service provider (demand/supply approach).

Impactful investment in societies
Wellbeing and diversity in the workplace

Green Tech and Smart Buildings
Sustainable Value Chain

Sustainability in the Hospitality Sector


More than 150 participants

Last year, Green Building Consulting & Engineering co-organized Bangkok's First Joint Chamber Sustainability & CSR Fair which was held on June 1rst at Ananda's FYI Center. A total of 30 companies from various industries such as F&B, hospitality, energy, design, tourism, building materials, IT and healthcare showcased their exciting projects sustainable initiatives and CSR innovations.