We are proud to announce that we are now members of GlobalABC!
Launched at COP21, the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC) is a voluntary partnership of national and local governments, inter-governmental organisations, businesses, associations, networks and think thanks committed to a common vision: A zero-emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector.

Their mission is to connect them in order to drive the transformation towards a net-zero building and construction sector. They aim to be a global advocate and a catalyst for market transformation and building carbon neutrality strategy. In fact, they are supporting countries in setting priorities and measures based on their situation.
At GBCE our mission is to create high performance sustainable buildings that promote people's well-being while preserving the planet. In that sense, being part of GlobalABC members means we will contribute to the community by continuing to share our expertise in order to promote, create and track zero-emission, efficient, and resilient buildings with our clients.
As members of GlobalABC we commit to engage in collaborative engagement with relevant stakeholders through dialogue at our events and other various platforms. Lastly we commit to the sharing of best practices and resources within the GlobalABC network that foster collaboration and develop strategies and solutions to ensure that we collectively can reach the Paris Agreement goals.