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Acoustics: A Key Criterion for Sustainability

In discussions surrounding sustainable building design, energy efficiency, carbon emissions, and material selection often take center stage. However, an essential yet frequently overlooked aspect of sustainable architecture is acoustics. Beyond ensuring the comfort, health, and productivity of occupants, well-thought-out acoustic design plays a fundamental role in the environmental impact of a building. Far from merely controlling noise, acoustics can influence energy consumption, enhance biodiversity, and support buildings that promote both human well-being and ecological balance.

In this article, we will explore the importance of acoustics in sustainability, its impacts, and innovative solutions for optimal sound management.

Noise Pollution

Effects on Humans

Noise pollution has critical, often invisible, effects on human health. Studies show that prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to sleep disorders, stress, cardiovascular diseases, as well as reduced concentration and hearing loss. In Europe, it is estimated that 22 million people are exposed to high levels of noise daily, leading to approximately 12,000 premature deaths each year. Noise also significantly affects the quality of life in living and working spaces by disrupting overall well-being. Excessive noise in urban environments can reduce individual productivity, causing economic impacts, such as increased public healthcare costs associated with hearing and mental health disorders.

Effects on Biodiversity

The impacts of noise pollution are not limited to humans; it also severely affects terrestrial wildlife. For instance, urban birds modify their songs to compensate for noise, which can disrupt their social interactions and reproduction. A study showed that noise reduced reproductive activity in 30% of bird species in urban areas.

Marine wildlife is also significantly affected by underwater noise generated by human activities such as shipping and drilling. Cetaceans suffer from disorientation and communication disruption, which harms their ability to reproduce and feed. Underwater noise can cause a 50% decline in populations of certain sensitive marine species, leading to ecological consequences for the food chain and the balance of marine ecosystems.

Regulatory Aspects and Certifications

From a regulatory standpoint, international standards exist to control noise management. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exposure limits of no more than 40 decibels at night to protect human health. The European Union, for example, enforces specific directives for reducing noise pollution in urban areas, while some cities implement low-noise zones.

Certifications such as HQE, LEED, WELL, and BREEAM include acoustic management criteria for sustainable buildings. The WELL certification, for instance, requires indoor noise levels to be below 35 dBA in workspaces to optimize concentration and occupant well-being. To achieve these certifications, acoustic requirements include the use of soundproofing materials and consideration of sound insulation from the building design stage.

Case Study: European Office Regulations

Take the example of an office located in the Paris region, where two main standards apply:

The NF S 31-080 standard, "Offices and Associated Spaces – Acoustic Performance Levels and Criteria by Space Types" defines the required acoustic performance levels for different types of workspaces, considering factors such as reverberation time and sound insulation to ensure optimal sound environments. The properties of furniture, floors, ceilings, and walls influence the overall acoustic quality of a room. Generally, the more a material has an absorption surface and a high absorption coefficient, the better its acoustic characteristics. Other physical phenomena, such as reflection, diffusion, or frequency, significantly impact the acoustic analysis of a space. For this reason, ISO 3382-3, "Acoustics – Measurement of Room Acoustic Parameters – Open-Plan Offices," governs on-site testing conditions.

Beyond the recommendations of these two standards, environmental labels and certifications also consider the acoustic aspect. Performance levels are similar to those described in the NF S 31-080 standard, which includes a summary table of recommended reverberation times (Tr) by room type and performance level.


“Standard” level

“High-performance” level

“Very high-performance” level

5.1. Private Office


Tr ≤ 0.7 s

Tr ≤ 0.6 s

5.2. Shared Office

Tr ≤ 0.6 s

Tr ≤ 0.6 s

Tr ≤ 0.5 s

5.3. Open Space

Tr ≤ 0.8 s

0,6 < Tr < 0.8 s

Tr ≤ 0.6 s

5.4. Open-plan area for development


Tr ≤ 0.9 s

Tr ≤ 0.7 s

5.5. Meeting Room/Training Room

0,6 < Tr ≤ 0.8 s

0,6 ≤ Tr < 0.8 s

0,4  < Tr < 0.6 s

5.6. Break Room


Tr ≤ 0.7 s

Tr ≤ 0.5 s

5.7. Restaurant 

Tr ≤ 0.6 s

Tr ≤ 0.6 s

Tr ≤ 0.5 s

5.8. Hallway




Summary table of reverberation time

Thus, it is possible to estimate the acoustic characteristics of a room from the planning phase based on the materials used. After 3D modeling of the studied space, it is possible to approximate the reverberation times of a furnished room using acoustic simulation software such as Catt Acoustic. The higher the acoustic properties (absorption, diffusion, ...) of the furniture and surfaces (walls, floor, ceiling), the better the reverberation times will be, thereby improving the acoustic performance level.

3D modeling of a meeting room for simulation

Solutions for Better Acoustic Management

Thoughtful architectural design is essential for incorporating acoustic management from the planning phase. Using materials such as acoustic panels (for absorption and diffusion), acoustic ceiling tiles, and sound-absorbing floor coverings can reduce noise levels while improving energy efficiency.

Innovative acoustic technologies, such as soundproof glazing and sound treatment systems, also play a key role in reducing noise pollution. These technologies improve acoustic comfort while maintaining high environmental standards.

For existing buildings, renovation strategies such as facade and roof soundproofing or green roofs and walls can significantly reduce noise pollution. Furthermore, the synergy between acoustics and energy efficiency is increasingly recognized. In fact, the same soundproofing solutions, such as installing double-glazed windows, also help reduce thermal losses and improve the building's energy performance.


Integrating acoustics into sustainability strategies has become a necessity. By reducing noise pollution, we not only improve the well-being of building occupants, but we also contribute to the preservation of biodiversity affected by human noise, both on land and in the oceans.

Moreover, effective acoustic management helps meet increasingly strict international regulations on noise pollution while facilitating the attainment of environmental certifications for buildings. Thus, acoustics are not merely a question of comfort, but a fundamental pillar in building a sustainable future.

Need to improve your building's acoustic quality? Contact us!


Sources :

Written by Mehdi BELAHOUCINE


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