Entreprenariat International au Feminin Award
The Eco Star of Asia Award
Oustanding Female Entrepreneur Award
Eco Entrepreneur Award

Entreprenariat International au Feminin Award
The Eco Star of Asia Award
Oustanding Female Entrepreneur Award
Eco Entrepreneur Award

GEM Olympic Leisure Center
Mixed-use, Sport Facility
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Credit: Archetype

GEM Olympic Leisure Center
Mixed-use, Sport Facility
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Credit: Archetype

GEM Olympic Leisure Center
Mixed-use, Sport Facility
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype

Medical and Research Facility
Saclay, France
Credit: Archetype
Join us at The Green Real Estate on May 29th in Bangkok
When saving the planet makes business sense.

AIA Capital Market Center
Office and Retail
Bangkok, Thailand
Credit: Meinhardt (Thailand)
This project has been undertaken during employment at Meinhardt Thailand (2012-2014).
LEED Energy Modeling - EA Credit 1 Compliancy
The new AIA building is a premium Grade A office building located in Bangkok. To ensure LEED certification, we developed an energy model to estimate the energy savings of the proposed design compared to a baseline building. This LEED model is compliant with EA Prequisite 2 and Credit 1 requirements.

Client: AIA (American International Insurance)
Architect: The Beaumont Partnership, Bangkok, Thailand
Civil & Structural Engineers: Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd.
MEP Engineers: Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd.
Facade Specialist: Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd.
Ligthing Specialist: Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd.
Energy Modeling & Building Physics: Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd.
LEED Administration: The Beaumont Partnership, Bangkok, Thailand
Total GFA: 110 000 m²
Building Heigth: 35 stories
Construction Cost: 3,3 Million THB (estimated)
LEED Certification: LEED C&S Gold certified
ASHRAE 90.1 compliant baseline versus proposed energy modeling (eQuest) as per LEED C&S Gold requirements
Energy modeling data coordination and progress follow-up
Energy modeling input compliancy and quality follow-up
Energy & Atmosphere (EA) Prerequisite 2 and Credit 1 documentation
“The new AIA Capital Center is a LEED Gold certified building with maximum green spaces and rooftop gardens, efficient column free floor plate areas, energy saving lifts/lighting/cooling systems, all designed for energy efficiency and sustainability.
Energy efficient systems such as the building exterior Curtain Wall System that is composed of three layers of laminated Low-e (low emission) glass. This not only protects from harmful solar rays but also insulates against sound waves, resulting in a quieter work environment, all adding to AIA Capital Center’s green credentials.“

Green Areas
Credit: AIA Capital Center